How to Deal with Pain

11:41:29 nykko_x3: i wish i could talk to you about why im sad.
11:41:39 melmyfinger: i wish i could take away your pain
11:41:46 nykko_x3: me too
11:41:49 nykko_x3: i wish you can just eat it
11:41:53 melmyfinger: and poop it out
11:41:54 nykko_x3: and poop it out
11:41:56 melmyfinger: hahahahaah
11:41:56 nykko_x3: OMGOSH
11:41:57 melmyfinger: haahahahahahahaa
11:41:58 nykko_x3: ahhahahhahaah
11:42:00 nykko_x3: omggggg
11:42:01 melmyfinger: hahahahaahahahahaaha
11:42:04 nykko_x3: thats too funny
11:42:05 nykko_x3: wowowwww
11:42:09 melmyfinger: are we having
11:42:10 melmyfinger: a tumblr moment
11:42:13 melmyfinger: hahahaahahhahaa
11:42:19 nykko_x3: i feel a tumbl coming on