melmyfinger: i used to do that passive aggressive posting stuff
melmyfinger: but i learned that just ends up with more drama for me
FTWSammie: Yeeaaah.
melmyfinger: i used to hella write emo shit
melmyfinger: and i realized that people would totally misinterpret it or
melmyfinger: they would think that i'm ALWAYS depressed
melmyfinger: blah blah blah
melmyfinger: that's why i only do happy tweets now
melmyfinger: and happy posts
melmyfinger: or inspirational posts on tumblr
FTWSammie: Thats why I love looking through your tumblr.
FTWSammie: You post cool things.
melmyfinger: thanks <3
FTWSammie: (:
melmyfinger: took me a few years to figure that out.
FTWSammie: Hahahaha.
melmyfinger: i don't think it's being fake
melmyfinger: it's just that some things are better kept private.
melmyfinger: you know
melmyfinger: i've found it's like 50/50 split on how people handle things:
melmyfinger: A) people vent online but are happy in person OR
melmyfinger: B) people vent in person but look perfectly happy online
melmyfinger: both make sense, in their own right
melmyfinger: just people handle their ish differently
melmyfinger: there's a lot going on behind every smile
melmyfinger: a lot of drama and internal battles
melmyfinger: i kinda learned that from our SF trip back in december
melmyfinger: like everyone was sooo happy being together
melmyfinger: but everyone was dealing with their own personal shit too
melmyfinger: like at times, each person would break off from the group to deal with their own shit
melmyfinger: and then come back and join the party
FTWSammie: Everyone goes through numerous battles, its just how one turns out...
melmyfinger: sammie
melmyfinger: i feel like i'm
melmyfinger: having a tumblr moment
melmyfinger: with you.
melmyfinger: right now.
FTWSammie: LOL
FTWSammie: AWH
FTWSammie: (:
melmyfinger: hahahaahahahahah
FTWSammie: I'll be your tumblr where you can post deep things
melmyfinger: hahahah
melmyfinger: now i just have to google search some crappy photo
melmyfinger: and photoshop some deep text on it
FTWSammie: hahahahhahahahahah
FTWSammie: yesssssss.