Cal Poly and I are on a break...

Advisor Lady: that's great how you got straight B's last quarter
Advisor Lady: but i refuse to approve your appeal until you pass these two classes [FRL300, ACC208]
Advisor Lady: and if you get back in
Advisor Lady: don't you dare take another PE class
Advisor Lady: i don't want to see that PE crap on your transcript ever again

omg smilie
cry smilie

so yeah, despite the fact that i got a B average last quarter, she showed no mercy to me. basically the ultimatum is i take and pass my two worst subjects....if i don't, i'm done for good. oh, and there's a time limit....i have until summer to do this. good stuff. so, i'm forbidden from taking basketball & volleyball (which are my stress-relieving parts of my day), and the rest of my life depends on how i do in my two worst classes. dandy. just fucking dandy.

ok, how can i take these classes when i'm no longer a cal poly student??

  • enroll @ cal poly under the Open University program....which costs $200 per UNIT. (yes, that's two-hundred-fucking-dollars per unit)
    omg smilie
  • enroll @ mount san antonio community college...but the problem is, its on the semester system. (cal poly is on the quarter system) taking classes @ mt. sac would mean i waste winter AND spring quarter @ cal poly.
sigh smilie