Serts' Facial Skin Care

WonTonDJ: lol serts, just wash yo face and drink alot of water
dj_serts: ahhhhh
WonTonDJ: and apply jizz
dj_serts: thats y i have a lot of acne
WonTonDJ: joke lanngg
dj_serts: i dont drink water
dj_serts: HAHAHA
veronicaty: pro active didnt work for my dad lol
dj_serts: i dont wash my face
veronicaty: but it worked for my cousin
dj_serts: i just jizz all over my face
kimmy0104: proactiv is too strong for me
melmyfinger: HAHAHAHA SERTS
melmyfinger: HAHAHAHAHA
melmyfinger: HAHAHA
dj_serts: made it bad
rheart: proactives sucks
dj_serts: HAHAHAHA
WonTonDJ: Great source of facial protien
melmyfinger: serts, do you peel it off then when it dries?
veronicaty: lol
melmyfinger: like a face mask!
rheart: lol
melmyfinger: HAHAH
KevinLien: peel?
veronicaty: omg mel!
veronicaty: lol
dj_serts: LMFAOOOOO
kimmy0104: ROFLMAO!
kimmy0104: sert
dj_serts: face mask
kimmy0104: LOLLL
dj_serts: WTF
dj_serts: like elmers glue bro
kimmy0104: WOW mel ROFLMAO
veronicaty: omg serts
melmyfinger: make sure you get that T-zone, serts
xo_ginalove: ............
veronicaty: lol
melmyfinger: hahahahaahahaha
veronicaty: !
veronicaty: wow

Vicki doesn't like secrets.

6:34:10 vickiilee: WHO?!
6:34:17 melmyfinger: shrug
6:34:18 melmyfinger: (;
6:34:21 vickiilee: MEL
6:34:24 vickiilee: YOU BETTER TELL ME
6:34:25 melmyfinger: i THINK
6:34:25 vickiilee: TELL ME
6:34:26 vickiilee: TELL ME
6:34:27 vickiilee: TELL ME
6:34:29 vickiilee: TELL ME
6:34:30 vickiilee: TELL ME
6:34:31 melmyfinger: nope
6:34:32 vickiilee: TELL ME
6:34:32 melmyfinger: nope
6:34:33 melmyfinger: nop
6:34:35 melmyfinger: noap
6:34:36 vickiilee: im hella annoying when i wanna be
6:34:38 vickiilee: TELL ME
6:34:39 vickiilee: TELL ME
6:34:40 vickiilee: TELL ME
6:34:41 melmyfinger: nohp
6:34:41 vickiilee: TELL ME
6:34:42 vickiilee: TELL ME
6:34:44 vickiilee: TELL ME
6:34:44 melmyfinger: HAHAHAHA
6:34:46 vickiilee: WHO IS IT
6:34:49 vickiilee: YOURE GONNA KILL ME


Ceelei: dajuan...why are you so quiet?
melmyfinger: dajuan's always been quiet
melmyfinger: and he doesn't really move around either
melmyfinger: he kinda just, lies there
melmyfinger: and makes you do all the work.
melmyfinger: #sexually
LionGali: sounds like brandon
Ceelei: i'm down with that
Ceelei: starfish is my favorite position
WonTonDJ: im always quiet
WonTonDJ: lolol
Ceelei: <3 dajuan
melmyfinger: its crazy
WonTonDJ: Just a quiet person.
Ceelei: i'd let you be a starfish anyday
melmyfinger: cuz there are times when you can't tell if dajuan is
melmyfinger: having an orgasm
melmyfinger: or
melmyfinger: sleeping with his eyes open.
Ceelei: can i go to bed now?
WonTonDJ: no
Ceelei: awwww
Ceelei: but dajuannnnn
melmyfinger: only if you starfish
WonTonDJ: you have to sing me and mel a lullaby and starfish
Ceelei: pftttt i never starfish....i let the guy be starfish
melmyfinger: that's my new favorite word now
melmyfinger: "starfish."
melmyfinger: hahahaha
Ceelei: lmao
melmyfinger: i used to call it "spread eagle"
Ceelei: naw man....
melmyfinger: but "starfish" is more lowkey
Ceelei: starfish
Ceelei: cause you can't move a starfish
melmyfinger: hahahahahaahah
Ceelei: they're frozen like that
Ceelei: no matter how hard they get pounded
Ceelei: ....
Ceelei: by waves
melmyfinger: HAHAHAH

Brandon, Leo's Theory on Cathy, Vietnamese Girls

2:56 PM melmyfinger: brandon, leo
2:56 PM melmyfinger: cathy texted me back
2:56 PM SoGooey: Haha
2:56 PM melmyfinger: she's actually viet from both sides
2:56 PM SoGooey: LILCDAWG?!
2:56 PM melmyfinger: but her mom is only part viet
2:56 PM Crystal: haha
2:56 PM SoGooey: That still count.
2:57 PM SoGooey: counts!
2:57 PM melmyfinger: hahahahahaah
2:57 PM SoGooey: Haha
2:57 PM SoGooey: I cant taint my image of cathy!
2:57 PM LionGali: noo
2:57 PM melmyfinger: her dad is full
2:57 PM SoGooey: the savior of the female vietnamese race
2:57 PM LionGali: shes in another group
2:57 PM melmyfinger: HAHAH
2:57 PM LionGali: a third group we didnt account for
2:57 PM melmyfinger: what group is that?
2:57 PM SoGooey: She's like Blade.
2:57 PM HalfSensed: lolol
2:57 PM melmyfinger: HAHAHAHAAHAHA
2:57 PM SoGooey: She has vampire in her
2:57 PM LionGali: 3/4 viet group
2:57 PM SoGooey: but she's not bad
2:57 PM Crystal: hahaha
2:57 PM SoGooey: cause she suppresses it
2:57 PM HalfSensed: Blade is viet?
2:58 PM SoGooey: vampires are evil, but Blades a nice vampire
2:58 PM LionGali: Blade is only viet when he starts lusting for blood