Jeremy: What I Learned from Africa

From Jeremy's YouTube:

In 2007, I went to Ghana in West Africa.

My life was changed ever since I met the people of Ghana. I realized that alot of us, especially in the States, take life forgranted. We are extremely blessed with abundance of food, resources, and choices.

Then I go to Ghana, and some of these villages don't have the right medicines, barely any food, and lack of many things. But what I've realized is that they have a joy inside that isn't fueled by materialism or anything of that sort. The more you have in life, the more u want, the less you need God in your life.

In Ghana, because they have soooo little, they rely and trust in God for their survival and health. FAITH. A strong faith.

I will forever be grateful for what they've taught me through their living and their lives. I wanna go back to Ghana one day and learn more and help more and put my faith in action. God is doing great things in the lives of people there!

Jeremy "Passion" Manongdo

I know what you mean, man.

When I was in the Philippines a couple years ago, we were driving around my uncle's banana plantation and I kept noticing these little shacks all over the place. Then I'd notice clothes hang-drying around them. Then I'd notice a family of five standing around one of 'em. It'd finally hit me:

This is their home.

That realization was so intense, but it totally put things in perspective for me. I thought to myself: the car I drive today is probably worth more money than what these entire families will ever see in their entire lives...

It's so easy to get caught up in material things because we've been blessed with it our whole lives. iPods, computers, internet, cell phones, cars, microwaves, fast food, running water, air conditioning...we've been blessed with these things for so long, we forget that people once lived still live without any of these things.

One thing I've started to wonder about myself: if I were completely stripped of all things familiar to me -- friends, family, technology, reputations -- what kind of man would I be? How much clearer would my world be?

Thanks for the reminder, J, on exactly how lucky we are, how some things are more important than others, and how God is always a part of our lives.


New Hotness: MacBook Air

13.3" MacBook Air 1.86GHz, 2GB RAM, 128GB Solid State Drive - $1,299.99

When the MacBook Air (MBA) first came out, I told myself that I would never ever buy it. I mean just look at those specs: One USB port? No disc drive? Only 2GB of RAM? No way to upgrade the hard drive down the road?? All of that for $1,299.99?? Are you kidding me??


But these days I travel a whole lot more than I used to. I'm constantly going to shows, taking road trips, flying, broadcasting from open mic at It's A Grind...I actually have a social life that takes me to places. And when I'm on the go, I don't need a full-on computer; I just need to be able to do some AIM, Skype, BlogTV, Tokbox, emailing and casual web browsing.

I need a mobile setup that can keep up with me.

So, my original plan was to scrap my 17" MacBook Pro (MBP) + 24" Cinema Display in favor of a 13" MBP + 30" Cinema Display, which would be an epic setup because it gives me the ability to have the power of a desktop computer with a (very) large screen plus the ability to be mobile. I even did the math to calculate the benefits and I realized that a 13" + 30" would give me more screen real estate overall than my current 17" + 24" setup. WIN.

Problem is, buying a completely new setup would cost over $3,750. FML.

Then it hit me: the MacBook Air may be a terrible primary computer...but if you understand its limitations, it can be an awesome secondary computer:

  • Just one USB port? -- That's fine, this is just for doing stuff on the internet.
  • No disc drive? -- I'll just use the disc drive wirelessly from my 17" MBP.
  • Only 2GB of RAM? -- Web browsing and chatting doesn't take up too much memory.
  • No way to upgrade the hard drive? -- No worries, my 17" is my main computer anyways.
  • Isn't it expensive? -- Very. But this is the only netbook out there that will run OSX.

And to top it all off, I could still get another two solid years of mileage from my 17" MBP.

So after serious thought (and rationalization), I concluded that it'd be better for me to spend just $1,299.99 to add a complimentary computer than to drop over $3,750 for a completely new setup.

I couldn't be any happier.

Google Voice

Basically with Google Voice (GV), you have one new phone number that you can give out to everyone. When someone calls, it can ring all of your phones (i.e. cell, home and office). Or you can have certain phones ring depending on who's calling.

Record custom voicemail greetings depending on who's calling.

You can send, receive and search through all of your text messages online.

Probably the most fun reason for getting GV is it's an excuse to get a kick-ass new phone number. Mine is 502-PORN. =]

More features: About GV

Sweet, I got an invite! Now what?

Not gonna lie, I spent a solid two hours trying to come up with a good phone number. You can choose any number from any area code that's available. You can search by area code, words or numbers.

Thoughts on FAP'09

So this is how it feels. The greatest feeling of accomplishment in my life. I've never done ANYTHING like this before...but after months of driving to San Diego, TokBox meetings, promoting, hair-pulling hair-receding stress...everything fell into place.

And it was EPIC.

Read More

This is what I've been working my ass off for:

Big props to Scott Yoshimoto and MOVeMEDIA Productions for this amazing vid!!

Featured Acoustic Playlist '09 *Official Promo Video*

This is what I've been working my ass off for:

Big props to Scott Yoshimoto and MOVeMEDIA Productions for this amazing vid!!

My Life is Average

Funny ass posts from

Today, I said goodbye to my friend, and then we both kept walking in the same direction. MLIA.

Today, I was walking faster than the person in front of me on the sidewalk, so I awkwardly passed them. I proceeded to walk unnaturally fast to make sure they didn't catch up to me. MLIA

Today, I was in the bathroom and I checked behind the shower curtain to see if there was a psycho there with a knife. There wasn't. MLIA

Today, I turned off the lights in my basement as I left. I was alone, so I ran up the stairs because it was dark. MLIA

I am white. Today, I was driving with the windows down while listening to some hardcore rap music, thinking I was cool. I was stopped at a red light next to some black people. I turned the music down. MLIA

Today, I went to the store and bought some Land o Lakes cheese. On the label, it said 'LOL Cheese'. I laughed. MLIA

Today, I was having sex with my girlfriend. She yelled out the name Tommy. My name is Tommy. MLIA

Today, I popped my G-String while fingering a minor. Now I have to buy a new violin string. MLIA.

Today, I had to put my dog down. My arms were tired. MLIA

Today, this old guy wanted to pay me so I'd follow him around for 4 hours and wipe his balls off. It's ok though, I'm a caddie.

Today, my mom told me that it was time I grew up and started to make my own dinner. I asked her to show me how to work the stove and make raman noodles. I knew how, but I just wanted her to do it for me. MLIA.

Today I went downstairs to get water. I came back up with chocolate. I forgot my water. MLIA

Today I went to Costco and saw that one of the samples was almost ready to be served. I pretended to shop for cheeses until they were ready. MLIA.

Today I was sitting in class staring down at a girl's cleavage. I looked up to see if she noticed. She didn't so I looked back down. MLIA

Today, I came up to some automatic doors, and there was no one around. While they opened, I spread my arms, so I felt like I was telekinetic. A woman saw me, so I made a fake yawn and pretended to be stretching. MLIA

Today I went downstairs to get water. I came back up with chocolate. I forgot my water. MLIA

theloveofyourlife: O...M...G MEL
theloveofyourlife: Today, I opened the fridge. There was nothing I wanted to eat in there. After 15 minutes, I opened it again. There still wasn't anything I wanted to eat in there. MLIA